

What You Should Know About Air Duct Cleaning and Dryer Vent Cleaning
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What You Should Know About Air Duct Cleaning and Dryer Vent Cleaning

Your air duct dryer vent systems are part of your ventilation system. They may not be your top priority for cleaning and maintenance until you look for ways to improve the air quality and energy efficiencies in your home.  It’s important to understand the difference between your air ducts and dryer vents, but also to know when and how to clean and maintain them.

What is a Dryer Vent?

The dryer vent is connected to your clothes dryer, and it the conduit through which your dryer blows hot air and debris to the exterior of your house. You need to maintain and clean out the dryer vent once every 6 months to a year to prevent clogging and the potential of a fire hazard from the lint and other debris.

What is an Air Duct?

Air duct-work is a series of vents and ducts that run throughout your house. You will typically need to clean your ducts every five years depending on how regular and comprehensive your maintenance and repair schedule is. If you notice a severe sensitivity to your home environment, you may need to clean your air ducts.

What are the Differences Between Your Dryer Vent and Air Duct?

The cleaning required for your dryer vent differs from your air duct system, so you need an expert like the Advance Air Solutions to provide the level of service and expert support that you need.

  • The process for cleaning is different for the dryer vent versus your air duct system.
  • The schedule for cleaning will vary dramatically since you probably won’t need to worry about cleaning your duct system for 5-10 years.
  • The potential hazards are different. The dryer vent could present a fire hazard if it was clogged, while the air ducts could present all air quality and energy efficiency issues.

The goal is to help you understand where the differences arise in the way you will care for, maintain, and clean the various aspects of your ventilation system. It’s for your safety, security, and health.

How Advance Air Solution Can Help

At Advance Air Solutions, we evaluate your ventilation systems. Based on what we find, we make recommendations for a cleaning and maintenance schedule that should ensure safe and optimal functionality. As part of the process, we answer any ventilation questions you may have, and we work to get you the level of service and support that will make your home safe, comfortable, and as energy-efficient as possible. Call now to schedule your free ventilation evaluation.